
These are projects and case studies done and currently progressing at the BD Lab

Grit as Predictor of Nomophobia amongst Young Adults: Decision-making Style as a Moderator 

This study investigated the interaction between Grit and Decision-making styles in predicting Nomophobia in the digital era. The findings suggest that the type of decision-making style is also influenced by Grit, with Satisficers showing more Grit. Individuals with high Grit tend to have lower Nomophobia levels, suggesting better self-regulation. Overall, having low grit and a maximizing style can predict the nomophobia level in an individual.

Contact : Kriti Kalia (

Early Birds and Night Owls: Influence of Chronotype on Emotional Expressivity and Resilience 

This study aims to study the relationship of chronotype on emotional expressivity and resilience. Young adults are particularly vulnerable to chronotype disruptions due to their academic stress, heavy workloads, and prolonged use of social media. Understanding the interplay between chronotype, emotional expressivity, and resilience in young adults can contribute to developing interventions and strategies that are appropriate for their circadian rhythms and can potentially improve their overall well-being.

Contact : Ameya Johns (

The Effect of Solution Focused Brief Therapy: An experimental study of clients with Depressive Disorder

This research focuses on the effect of SFBT on the clients diagnosed with depressive disorder. It is based on well-established outcome measures and uses an experimental design. There are 32 participants in total, equally distributed in both experimental and waitlist control groups (n = 16). Aspects of SFBT studied are: positive affect, negative affect, solution focused thinking, hope, happiness, digit span and symbol search were used as a pre-test and post-test to understand its effects on the clients with depressive disorder.

Contact : Deepika Lad (

Sexting Behaviors

The study on Sexting Behaviors is designed to understand the sexting behavior of individuals based on factors such as gender, sexual orientation, occupation, relationship status, whether the individuals were using dating, and time spent on the internet. This study will highlight the important implications of the different patterns of sexting in the present generation. Additionally, it could also help us understand the unique risks and threats associated with sexting and help understand the unique nuances associated with online safety and sexual health orientation.  

Contact : Janani (

Decision to buy Cosmetics

Factors influencing consumers' decision-making process when purchasing various cosmetic products ... Know more here