Ongoing Research

Please drop in to Behavior Decision Lab to participate in other ongoing research works at the Lab.

Decision making and Problem Solving

We are on the process of studying about different issues associated with human decision making and problem solving. For the purpose, we would like to know how you will make decisions in certain scenarios

It will take maximum 10 minutes to complete giving your response.

Single Session Therapy

This research project aims to develop and evaluate a web-based training program to equip mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills to implement single-session therapy (SST) effectively.

We are currently recruiting participants to pilot test the training program. Please contact us if this interests you.

Life Skills Inventory

Life-skills have an impact on how you feel about yourself, your emotional balance, your physical health and your independence. 

It will take approximately 25 minutes to complete giving your response.

Hierarchical Perceptual Processing and Affective Decision Making

The project seeks to comprehend the impact of information perception on decision-making. By examining how humans perceive information in their surroundings, the project aims to categorize individuals into two groups: those who possess a global focus and those with a local focus. 

It's fun, contact to book your participation.